Part One

Questions 1-10 ۔

Complete the table below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.











Part Two

Questions 11-13

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Traffic Changes in Granford

11 Why are changes needed to traffic systems in Granford?

12 In a survey, local residents particularly complained about

13 According to the speaker, one problem with the new regulations will be

Questions 14-20

Label the map below.

Write the correct letter, A-I in boxes 14-20.

14 New traffic lights

15 Pedestrian crossing

16 Parking allowed

17 New 'No Parking' sign

18 New disabled parking spaces

19 Widened pavement

20 Lorry loading/unloading restrictions

Part Three

Questions 21-25

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

21 Why is Jack interested in investigating seed germination?

22 Jack and Emma agree the main advantage of their present experiment is that it can be

23 What do they decide to check with their tutor?

24 They agree that Graves' book on seed germination is disappointing because

25 What does Jack say about the article on seed germination by Lee Hall?

Questions 26-30

Complete the flow-chart below.

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 26-30.

Stages in the experiment

Select seeds of different 26 and sizes.

Measure and record the 27 and size of each one.

Decide on the 28 to be used.

Use a different 29 for each seed and label it.

After about 3 weeks, record the plant's 30

Part Four

Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Effects of urban environments on animals

Recent urban developments represent massive environmental changes. It was previously thought that only a few animals were suitable for city life, e.g.
•     the 31 because of its general adaptability

•     the pigeon because walls of city buildings are similar to 32

In fact, many urban animals are adapting with unusual 33

Recent research
•     Emilie Snell-Rood studied small urbanised mammal specimens from museums in Minnesota.
    - She found the size of their 34 had increased.

    - She suggests this may be due to the need to locate new sources of 35 and to deal with new dangers

•     Catarina Miranda focused on the 36 of urban and rural blackbirds

    - She found urban birds were often braver, but were afraid of situations that were 37

•     Jonathan Atwell studies how animals respond to urban environments.
    - He found that some animals respond to 38 by producing lower levels of hormones.

•     Sarah Partan's team found urban squirrels use their 39 to help them communicate.

Long-term possibilities
Species of animals may develop which are unique to cities. However, some changes may not be 40